It is a pleasure to represent Ryerson University at the inaugural Beaches Winter Stations 2015 design competition. This initiative organized by various groups including the City of Toronto, the Beach Village, RAW Design, Curio,and Ferris + Associates. Similar projects such as the Winter Warming Huts in Windsor or the Winterlude installations along the Rideau Canal have been run in smaller cities but now this initiative to create follies from the unused lifeguard stations along the Toronto Beaches make this an opportunity to capitalize on a new annual tradition for this great city. With the generous support of the President of Ryerson University, Sheldon Levy and the Design Fabrication Zone, this will serve as yet another design tradition that Ryerson University (if not the [R]ed[U]x Lab) will continue in nurturing the university's identity as a "City Builder".
The design came about from two charettes delivered by two separate faculty in the Department of Architectural Science. An extremely difficult task was put before a group of professors from the Department in selecting an appropriate entry that could be built within a modest budget while also balancing the playfulness of a folly with the modest protection the design had to offer.
In the end, the designers proposing the Snow Cone proposal won and we look forward to showcasing this project fairly soon. The team will also be presenting themselves at the Design Exchange at a Pecha Kucha event that will have them on the same stage as fellow designers from the United Kingdom and the United States.
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