Tuesday, January 30, 2024

NOVA | Full-Scale Mockup

Assembly of the NOVA Winter Station is now underway. This assembly includes constructing the 4 modules with all final components to determine if the structure is working correctly. Furthermore, the cutting and sewing of the official fabric that will be used for final installation has started. Ensuring that the seams are correct, and the holes line up for node and pipe connections is paramount. This is all in the effort for a full-scale mockup to prepare for the final installation. A group of student quickly assembled NOVA in the atrium of 325 Church Street.

Connecting Pipes to Nodes

Connecting Fabric to Frames

Completed Modules

Arranging Modules

Connecting Top of The Structure

Full Assembly 

Mockup in Atrium

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

NOVA | Textiles

Students explored stitching variations on 4 different types of materials to ensure the tension was correct with the bolt connections. Felt, canvas, and nylon were all tested on to ensure that the layout was sufficient. Because of the low-cost of the felt, it was also used for practicing the stitching.

Monday, January 8, 2024

NOVA | Assembling One Module: Fabric, Pipe, and Nodes

With the layout, textiles, piping, and nodes figured out, the time has come to assemble one module at full-scale with final materials. This will be important to gauge whether the project is ready to be assembled in its entirety. A group of students assembled one module seamlessly and with no complications. Now the team is ready to fully put NOVA together to prepare for the final installation next month.

Connecting Piping to Node

Securing Top Node to Complete Module Frame

Completed Module Frame