Friday, November 17, 2023

NOVA | Process Construction: Physical Models Iterations

Learning from the structural inadequacies of the initial designs, the team has decided to simplify. The aim is to remove all non-triangular forms from the structure's skeleton. Furthermore, the quantity of triangular modules will also be reduced. This results in the composition containing 15 different 3D-printed components, 3 unique module configurations, and over 35 different sizes of piping.

When evaluating the current design configuration, it was clear to the team that the structure needed further simplification to make construction realistic. So, to resolve its complexity, the design has been cut down in its intricacy. At this stage, the team has reduced the number of 3D-printed node types from 15 to 7. Additionally, rather than creating 3 unique module configurations, they minimized it to 2. Lastly, the piping was also lowered from 35 to 12 different types.

Ultimately, upon further consideration, the team has deduced that the design is still too complicated to make the construction and final assemblage pragmatic. Accordingly, the project has been further streamlined. As it stands, the structure is now composed of 7 different node varieties compared to 10, resulting in 30 nodes overall to be printed. Additionally, the degree of variability for the piping configuration has also been addressed. Now, the project relies on only 10 different pipe dimensions, a crucial change from the original 150. Lastly, the Station was reimagined to be more modular, formed using 1 repeated module rather than 2, resulting in a cleaner and more minimalistic design.

Friday, November 10, 2023

NOVA | Schematic Design: Prototypes

Moving forward, the team is currently in the development stage. They have begun creating more intricate scaled models. Through this process, they have created 3 models to understand the structural composition. Furthermore, these models are used to reify the abstract scheme that was reached in the first phase of the design.

Stemming from this exercise, the group ascertained that 2 of the iteration models were not feasible because they were not structurally sound even in scaled form. Specifically, the models suffered from splaying.

Models at the scale of 1:6

While exploring structure, students also experimented with textiles, achieving a bowing patterning to the canopy.